The Answers You Need

Mudgar weight recommended for beginners?

Female : 4kg
Male: 5-6 kg
If you are starting your fitness journey from scratch then stick to the lower end of the recommended weight.
If you are already quite active and have been training for sometime with bodyweights or weight training equipment then you can opt for the higher end of the recommended weight.

What wood do you use for Mudgars?

We use sheesham wood for all our adjustable mudgars and bhabul wood for our non adjustable mudgars.

Sumtola weight recommended for beginners?

If you are starting your fitness journey from scratch then we recommend an 8kg. If you are already quite active and have been training for sometime then we recommend a 12kg.

Does Mudgar help in building muscles?

Yes, the mudgar will help you in building muscle and aid in hypertrophy. The real benefit of the mudgar is the increase in strength & range of motion you will experience as the mudgar focuses on functional movements.

How do I learn to train with the Mudgar?

We provide basic and advance training programs to help you learn the art of maneuvering the Mudgar correctly. 

The Mudgar is designed with an offset weight and that is what makes it challenging. It is important to know the correct way to use the equipment to be able to dig into all the benefits it has to offer. 

Please check our training page for more information: PRAHAAR